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Living The Ways of Being

I never did get to the end of this motivational music video for Starbucks employees, because it seems to be a little under eleven hours long and somewhere in the middle my senses of time and space and proportion started to warp like a Frisbee in the sun. But I listened long enough to draw some conclusions:

1) Some bits of cultural detritus are best left by the roadside, and "We Built This City" is one of them.

2) "Living the ways of being" is terrible, terrible writing, even by the standards of corporate happyspeak.

3) No matter how many gently self-mocking asides a copywriter may include,  embarrassing = embarrassing.

4) You sell coffee, for crying out loud. The employees have been downing free lattes since six o'clock this morning. Do you really want them more peppy? If you want to do your customers a favor, demotivate the staff.

All that aside, this is actually... No, sorry. It's just awful.

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  • Response
    Response: automatic indexing
    Very good Web page, Maintain the beneficial work. thnx!
  • Response
    Bill Barol - Mr. Irresponsible - Living The Ways of Being

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